Paganlink Software : Mac Misc

Macintosh Misc.

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Archæology and Ancient Languages

Archaeology HyperTextBook Glossary of archaeological terms and brief details about important discoveries.
Celtic Museum HyperCard stack purporting to explain about the Celts.
Futhark HyperCard stack about runes and runic inscriptions.
Grammar: the Verb in Middle Egyptian HyperCard language tutorial.
Graphellen Greek text processing.
JPROGS Color Demo Educational demo about Roman Britain
MacScribe Heiroglyphic text processing.
Sands and Treasure HyperCard stack about ancient Egypt.
A Scribe of KMT Heiroglyphic learning aid.
The Trumpets of Tutankhamun The sound of ancient Egyptian silver trumpets.


Hallowe'en Poems Helps produce illustrated spooky poems. New!
Hallowe'en Recipes Stand-alone recipe book and demo for educational resources on Hallowe'en.


Are you a Space Alien? Satirical HyperCard stack.
Cult Leader Success Secrets Satirical HyperCard stack.
Mystery God Will you get the dud?
The Zen Master Amusing poetry generator.

Everything Else!

Celtic Assistant Knotwork-drawing package.
Dao De Jing Fortune cookie program with quotes from LaoZi.
Dream Temple Dream journal.
Forest Plays relaxing nature sounds, as if you were walking in a forest. Updated! 12/2/01
Herbal Remedies Stack describing herbs used for treating different common ailments.
Herbs A-Z HyperCard Stack examining many aspects of herbs.
Herbs for Health Illustrated stack showing a few useful medical herbs.
Hypnosis HyperCard stack explaining techniques and applications of stage and self-hypnosis.
Kaballa HyperCard stack all about the Kaballa and correspondences.
Makiling Illustrated Filipino place-name fable
Mythology HyperTextBook Fully-interlinked hypertext demo about myths and heroes.
New Age Software List SimpleText document listing both commercial and shareware Macintosh software for divination, psychic development, etc.
Om It plays "Om" in the background. That's it.
PsiTest Zener cards for the Macintosh.
Reflection Freeform virtual journal.
Relax Relaxing sound player. Updated 31/12/00
Talisman Maker Creates model talismans from pre-set images.
Venus Eclectic and creative HyperCard stack

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