- Edinburgh
Fortean Society
- Meets to discuss topics of a fortean nature on the second
Thursday of every month at the Canon's Gait, 232 Canongate [Map] at 20.30. Each meeting consists of
an informal lecture lasting approximatley one hour and after
that there is an opportunity to chat to like minded people (as
well as drink with them). Beware - GeoCities
- Akasha
- Pagan workshop and discussion group. Monthly workshops in the Canon's Gait pub cellar bar, 232 Canongate [Map], on the 2nd Sunday of each month from 3pm.
- Scottish
Astrological Association
- Meetings at the Theosophical Society, 28 Great King Street [Map], every other Wednesday 7.30 pm, £1 members,
£2 non-members.
There are only one-and-a-half specialist occult bookshops in
Edinburgh, and both focus on the crystally New Age side of things.
Fortunately, most bookshops sell a range of appropriate material
and this list includes remainder and second-hand bookshops as well
as retailers of new books. Most of the second-hand shops stock a
listing of all the second-hand bookshops in the area. In addition,
one or two of the craft shops stock a small number of books.
- Armchair Books 72 West Port,
EH1 [Map]
- Second-hand bookshop with plenty of occult, folklore and
mythology books. Also strong on science fiction. Tel: (0131)
229 5927. E-mail armchairbooks@hotmail.com.
- Body and Soul 52 Hamilton Place,
EH1 [Map]
- Specialist New Age bookseller. The level of credulity can
be judged by their stocking The Courage To Heal!
Open Mon-Sat 10-6.
- McCall Barbour 28 George IV Bridge, EH1
1ES [Map]
- It may seem odd to list a Christian bookshop in these
pages, but this shop is definitely on the loony fundie side of
things. This is the UK distributer for Jack Chick Publications, so
you can find nearly all of those funny little comics (10p each)
as well as more anti-occult literature than your sense of
humour can bear, particularly the hard-to-get American
- Second Edition 9 Howard Street,
EH3 [Map]
- Second-hand books. Strong on Arthurian and Scottish
- General bookshop
- Transreal Fiction 7 Cowgatehead, EH1 [Map]
- Specialist science fiction and fantasy bookshop with a few
strange items as well. Tel: (0131) 226 2822.
- West Port
Books 151 West Port, EH3 [Map]
- Second-hand books plus some remainders. Lots of occult
stuff in the back room. West Port Books specialises in books
from India, including healing traditions (which can be found in
the basement). See also the West Port Books eBay shop
- Word Power 43
West Nicholson Street, EH8 [Map]
- Radical bookshop including books on feminism, ecology and
lots of periodicals. Open Mon-Fri 10.00 - 18.00; Sat 10.30 - 18.00.
Tel: (0131) 662 9112
This is a bit of a catch-all category. There's only the one
specialist occult supplier in Edinburgh, and one supplier of Pagan
requisites, but plenty of 'gift shops' which happen to sell useful
stuff amongst the tartan loo roll covers. If you're after an
athame, you're best off getting a dirk or a sgian dubh from one of
the highland outfitters, or make your own like you're supposed
- Briget
of Edinburgh
- Silver jewellery with strong Goddess themes. Now online only.
- Canongate
Jerseys and Crafts 164-166 Canongate, Royal Mile,
EH8 [Map]
- Knotwork everything, books on 'Celtic' and Pictish
- Crystal Clear 52 Cockburn Street [Map]
- Typical New-Agey 'Mind, Body and Spirit' shop.
- Mad Jack's Trading
Company 36 Elm Row, Leith Walk,
EH7 [Map]
- Back with us after a sojourn up north. Candles, incense. fair
trade goods and jewellery.
- Enchantment 57 Cockburn Street, Edinburgh EH1 1BS [Map]
- Pagan and 'Celtic' crafts, tarot cards and a few
- unFamiliar 19 Candlemaker Row, Edinburgh EH1 2QG (near the
statue of the daft dog) [Map - the true location is at the junction with George IV Bridge]
Completely unrelated to the shop which used to be at this address,
unFamiliar aims to be fairy-free zone unless you want a really
accurate Beansidhe! Tel:
(0131) 225 4583.
- Helios
Fountain 7 Grassmarket, EH1 [Map]
- Arts and craft materials, beads and crystals and lots of New Age
and Steiner books. Open Mon-Sat 10.00 - 20.00, Sun 12.00 - 17.00.
Extended hours during the Festival. Tel: (0131) 229 7884.
- Past Times 7a
Fredrick Street, EH2 2EY [Map]
- Part of the chain which specialises in reproductions of
artifacts from times gone by. Can be surprising - I once got a
set of four glass tealight holders in the elemental colours for
a fiver. Also sells copies of Viking and 'Celtic' jewellery,
knotwork sweaters and statues of Bast. Open daily, including
Sunday. Tel: (0131) 225 5853.
- Scottish Gems 162 Morningside Road [Map]
- Expensive jewellers with silver and gold knotwork rings,
plus lots of amber. Once had a spectacular carved wooden
knotwork quaich.
- Silver Unicorn 1 Cathedral Mall, St. James'
Centre. [Map]
- "Celtic" silver and gemstone jewellery. Native
American silver jewellery. Plans to start producing jewellery,
including pentagrams. 10.15am - 6pm daily. Open until 8pm
Thurdays. Tel: (0131) 557 3300.
- The
Tappit Hen 89 High Street, Royal Mile, EH1 1SG [Map]
- Jewellery shop with plenty of reasonably-priced knotwork
including tankards, hip flasks, quaiches and skulls. Nice
amber, too. Celtic wedding and civil partnership rings a speciality.
- The
Wyrd Shop 154 Canongate, Royal Mile, EH8 8DD. [Map]
- A proper occult supplier disguised as an unusual gift shop
- tarot cards, second-hand books, oils, incense, jewellery,
posters and odd bits of paraphenalia. Tel: (0131) 557
2293. Beware - the website requires Flash.
- Lothian
- Online supplier of medicinal and culinary herbs, and
essential oils (including a range of organic ones).
- Napiers
Herbalists 18 Bristo Place, EH1 [Map - really at the junction with Teviot Place.]
- Specialist medical herb suppliers with a wide range. Also
essential oils and some toiletries. There are other branches
around the city, but they tend to freak when confronted by
people who know what they're doing!
- Neals Yard Remedies 102 Hanover Street [Map]
- Plenty of medicinal herbs and essential oils. Tel: (0131) 226 3223
- Real Foods 37
Broughton Street, EH1 3JU [Map] and 8 Brougham St, EH3 [Map]
- Wholefood shop with a wide range of loose herbs and
- Edinburgh Naturist
Swimming Club
- Friendly, twice-monthly swimming and sauna sessions in Edinburgh.
- Ancient
- A brilliant guide to the standing stones, stone circles and
other stones in the south of Scotland, including Edinburgh.
- Ancient
- Website dedicated to the historic cultures of South-East
Scotland, attempting to catalogue the majority of ancient sites
within the Lothians, as well as documenting the
"Celtic" and Germanic histories and mythologies of
the region up to about 1500 AD. Browser issues - just turn
JavaScript off and you'll be okay.
- Celtic
- Commercial site offering walks, booklets and courses about
Scotland's ancient sites near Edinburgh. "Each Celtic Trail is
unique, highlighting Scotland's cultural and spiritual
heritage, and the timeless lure of the land."
- Scottish School of Herbal Medicine
- Glasgow-based non-profit making organisation, founded in
1992 and dedicated to the furthering of herbal knowledge and
education. Offers a range of professional training courses,
including Massage and Clinical Aromatherapy, herbal courses
from introductory Home Help Herbal Medicine, Evening Classes
and Correspondence Courses to BSc (Hons) Degree and MSc.