Paganlink : New Contact

Add A Contact

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Use this form to send in your information if you wish to be added to the contacts page. Note that adding is still done manually (I'm working on that!), and might take some time. You will receive a test message when you are added. If you see your entry on the page, and haven't received a test message, get back in touch. Notes are given for each field. If you're not sure what to put, look at the existing entries.

Your Name
This will not appear anywhere on the site. It's just so I know what to call you if I need to get in touch!
E-mail Address
Again, this will not be revealed, but I need to know so that I can allocate a box number and so you can receive replies.
The page is divided by country.
This should be the geographic area where you live, or in which you are looking for people - a city or county is good. This will be used as the bold part at the beginning of your entry.
Use this space to describe yourself, your interests and the sort of people you'd like to get in touch with.